Hereby we suggest some links connected with our anti-radiators and lectures of eng.Bernard Dulinski on radiation in everyday life.
1/ website Energy-Aaron www.energy-aaron.com http://bit.ly/2pxhK89
2/ our internet shop Fuente de la Vida http://energy-aaron.shop.pl http://bit.ly/2oXGqop
3/ Face Book fanpage http://bit.ly/2qkHaZx
5/ lecture of eng.Bernarda Dulińskiego cz.1 http://bit.ly/2oXIa0W
6/ lecture of eng.Bernarda Dulińskiego cz.2 http://bit.ly/2p0yTWW
7/ lecture of eng.Bernarda Dulińskiego na Harmonii Kosmosu http://bit.ly/2pxk7bc