HO-TU ENERGY GENERATOR is an ancient Chinese talisman. Usually it is drawn on a piece of paper and carried with you. It is also known as the Yellow River or the Magic Square.
It is universal in nature and refers to the concept of the five elements that create everything that exists. White dots represent Yang energy and black dots are Yin energy. The individual signs symbolize the Earth, Fire, Water, Wood and Metal, as well as the sides of the world South, North, East, West, as well as the seasons: Summer, Winter, Spring, Autumn.
The HO-TU talisman captures the character of all creation and emits positive vibrations. It is a very powerful energy generator and after just a few seconds of holding your hand over the sign, it increases the level of biovibration and brings about the human energy balance, both internal and external.
It works positively, it does not hurt.
To achieve the desired effect, place the HO-TU talisman with six black dots to the north. HO-TU is suitable for all those seeking harmony and peace.
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT HOME & OFFICE MEGA PACK - neutralizer of harmful radiation for big house and office

ARONIT HOME & OFFICE – is a modern anti-radiator to install in the big house or in the office, functions as an anti-radiator, ionizer and therapeutic light emitter. 24 hours a day protects you and your loved ones from harmful geopathic radiation from underground sources and geological anomalies and electromagnetic radiation of technical devices as computers, TV sets, transformers, lines of high and medium voltage placed near the apartment or workplace. The range of protection with a radius of 20m. Aronit Home&Office MEGA PACK is a new world-wide method of protecting living organisms.
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Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT HOME & OFFICE neutralizer of harmful radiation for flat and office

ARONIT HOME&OFFICE do mieszkania/do małego domku- odpromiennik domowo-biurowy to nowoczesny odpromiennik do zainstalowania w małym domu, mieszkaniu lub w biurze, ponadto pełni funkcje jonizatora oraz emitera leczniczego światła. Ochrania 24h na dobę Ciebie i Twoich bliskich od szkodliwego promieniowania geopatycznego i promieniowania pochodzącego od anomalii geologicznych a także smogu elektromagnetycznego, który oddziałuje na wszystkie organizmy żywe. Zasięg o promieniu 10-15m.
Nasyca powietrze jonami ujemnymi, których brakuje w naszych miastach i domach, neutralizuje skutki działania promieniowania elektromagnetycznego neutralizując działanie smogu elektromagnetycznego (telefonów, komputerów i innych urządzeń elektronicznych), organizuje struktury krystaliczne otaczającej przestrzeni (wody, organizmów żywych, produktów spożywczych) poprzez emitowanie elektronów, przenikających wszystko oprócz metalu. Zapewnia lepszy sen i łatwiejsze zasypianie powoduje zahamowanie rozwoju bakterii chorobotwórczych, wspomaga leczenie chorób, szczególnie nowotworów, nerwic i alergii. Sprzyja harmonijnemu, zdrowemu i długiemu życiu :-)
Więcej informacji po kliknięciu zdjęcia produktu.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT PERSONAL SUPER HUMAN - neutraliser of harmful radiation for personal use

ARONIT PERSONAL – it is a modern personal anti-radiator, ionizer and therapeutic light emitter. 24 hours a day protects from harmful radiation and geopathic radiation coming from geological anomalies and electromagnetic smog, which affects all living organisms. The range of protection with a radius of 10m.
Aronit Personal protects against electromagnetic smog computers and networks of computers, electrical equipment, phones, transformers, control panels, TV receivers. Aronit Personal is also indicated in chronic depression, problems sleeping and sleeping, with chronic fatigue and stress, headaches, nervousness, rheumatism. It protects against radiation at low frequency bands 50Hz (Blue Beam HAARP) that affect the psyche and are the reason the formation of destructive thoughts.
The principle of work of Aronit is the emission of opposite phase, transformation and impregnation – what in effect neutralizes the effects of harmful geopathic radiations and effects with a healing and strengthening . • Aronit saturates the air with minus ions, wchich are very much missing in our cities and homes. • Aronit neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation. • Aronit operates for 30 years from the montage!
Personal Aronit should be always carried with you. Working at a computer you can put it on the desk. If you are not yet in possession of a mobile phone anti-radiator Aronit Mobile, you can put your mobile phone on a box of the personal anti-radiator and neutralize it.
Note: using the Super Human pads, be aware that they are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Harmful radiation in our environment may be of various origins:
• Geopathogenous earth radiation - like water veins, faults and geological anomaly • Radiation from technical devices - computers, TV receivers, transformers, lines of high and medium voltage placed near the dwelling or place of work.• Radiation of shape of spatial and flat figures.• Negative bioemission of flowers and some animals.• Band of low-frequency vibrations.
Aronit Personal is also recommended in chronic depression, problems with sleeping and with chronic fatigue and stress, headaches, nervousness, rheumatism. It protects against radiation at low frequency bands 50Hz (Blue Beam HAARP) that affect the psyche and are the reason the formation of destructive thoughts. Aronit saturates the air with negative ions that are missing in our cities and homes, promotes a harmonious, healthy and long life.
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Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT PERSONAL neutraliser of harmful radiation for personal use

ARONIT PERSONAL – it is a modern personal anti-radiator, ionizer and therapeutic light emitter. 24 hours a day protects from harmful radiation and geopathic radiation coming from geological anomalies and electromagnetic smog, which affects all living organisms. The range of protection with a radius of 10m.
Aronit Personal protects against electromagnetic smog computers and networks of computers, electrical equipment, phones, transformers, control panels, TV receivers. Aronit Personal is also indicated in chronic depression, problems sleeping and sleeping, with chronic fatigue and stress, headaches, nervousness, rheumatism. It protects against radiation at low frequency bands 50Hz (Blue Beam HAARP) that affect the psyche and are the reason the formation of destructive thoughts.
The principle of work of Aronit is the emission of opposite phase, transformation and impregnation – what in effect neutralizes the effects of harmful geopathic radiations and effects with a healing and strengthening . • Aronit saturates the air with minus ions, wchich are very much missing in our cities and homes. • Aronit neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation. • Aronit operates for 30 years from the montage!
Personal Aronit should be always carried with you. Working at a computer you can put it on the desk. If you are not yet in possession of a mobile phone anti-radiator Aronit Mobile, you can put your mobile phone on a box of the personal anti-radiator and neutralize it.
Click the photo and get more information
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
The satin BAG in violet for the ARONIT PERSONAL

A satin BAG for the ARONIT PERSONAL anti-radiator in violet (proposed for women), facilitating storage of the anti-radiator and protecting against damage. The purchase of a bag is voluntary and the price has been calculated at its own costs. The bag can also be used for the ARONIT TRAVEL anti-radiator.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
The satin BAG in black for ARONIT PERSONAL

A satin BAG for the ARONIT PERSONAL anti-radiator in black (proposed for men), facilitating storage of the anti-radiator and protecting against damage. The purchase of a bag is voluntary and the price has been calculated at its own costs. The bag can also be used for the ARONIT TRAVEL anti-radiator.
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT SUPER TRAVEL- neutraliser of harmful radiation for TIRs and TRUCKs

ARONIT TRAVEL for TIRs and TRUCKs - a modern anti-radiator, ionizer and therapeutic light emitter for drivers. Protects while driving from harmful radiation and geopathic radiation coming from geological anomalies and electromagnetic smog, which affects all living organisms. Also going by car, we are exposed to radiation from tectonic faults or underground sources. According to the research dowsing, some of the so-called black spots are located along the roads running on this type of places. In addition, the "Aronit Travel" (a car-antiradiator) absorbs other negative radiation and emits white light, which increases the amount of negative ions in the car and improves our mood and removes fatigue on long-term driving. People who have installed under the seat Aronit Travel can boast many years of driving without accidents. Its operating range is 25m towards the car. Aronit Travel anti-radiator can be fixed with adhesive tape under the seat, in the glove box or with the stick shift in the horizontal position (sticking up).
ARONIT TRAVEL is recommended for people who spend many hours in the car because of their work. We particularly recommend it for drivers of lorries and trucking, freight couriers forwarding companies and suppliers of goods. In addition, feedback from our customers shows that people with Aronit Travel in their car have a sense of safety and comfort while driving.
Note: Aronit Travel does not protect against the consequences of reckless driving incompatible with the rules. See more of the description by clicking on the picture of the product.
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Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT TRAVEL - neutraliser of harmful radiation for car drivers

ARONIT TRAVEL - a modern anti-radiator, ionizer and therapeutic light emitter for drivers. Protects while driving from harmful radiation and geopathic radiation coming from geological anomalies and electromagnetic smog, which affects all living organisms. Also going by car, we are exposed to radiation from tectonic faults or underground sources. According to the research dowsing, some of the so-called black spots are located along the roads running on this type of places. In addition, the "Aronit Travel" (a car-antiradiator) absorbs other negative radiation and emits white light, which increases the amount of negative ions in the car and improves our mood and removes fatigue on long-term driving. People who have installed under the seat Aronit Travel can boast many years of driving without accidents. Its operating range is 25m towards the car. Aronit Travel anti-radiator can be fixed with adhesive tape under the seat, in the glove box or with the stick shift in the horizontal position (sticking up).
ARONIT TRAVEL is recommended for people who spend many hours in the car because of their work. We particularly recommend it for drivers of lorries and trucking, freight couriers forwarding companies and suppliers of goods. In addition, feedback from our customers shows that people with Aronit Travel in their car have a sense of safety and comfort while driving.
Note: Aronit Travel does not protect against the consequences of reckless driving incompatible with the rules. See more of the description by clicking on the picture of the product.
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Availability: na wyczerpaniu
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT GARDEN - neutraliser of harmful radiation for garden

ARONIT GARDEN a modern anti-radiator used in greenhouses, allotments and at home to encourage the growth of pot plants. It is also the ionizer and therapeutic light emitter. Protect your plants by 24 and you and your loved ones from harmful radiation and geopathic radiation coming from geological anomalies and electromagnetic smog, which affects all organisms also plants. Aronit Garden range with a radius of 30m.
User ratings are very positive. This is one of the recent reviews of a clients from Allegro: "Today we made a next purchase of this anti-radiator. Despite I can not describe exactly how, but I know that it works. Since I have it, I changed my approach to situations and people. To some extent I feel more "free and independent". I think that ARONIT is really a great discovery. Now I want to buy GARDEN to protect my plants."
Aronit Garden can be successfully used in agriculture or household gardens to increase yields and to obtain larger sizes of fruit or vegetables. It is ideal for the dry times, since amounts greater amount of rain. This is due to the fact that a beam of white light reaches above the clouds and accumulates around them larger amounts of water vapor from the air. (For years, too rainy, you can wrap Aronit in aluminum foil, which neutralizes the effect). Installation Instructions: If you use Aronit Garden anti-radiator out in a greenhouse or in the garden on the plot, then you should bury it at a depth of 30-50cm, depending on how deep are the roots of plants. Box should be merged into a liquid wax and wait until it cools down and then wrap in foil pouch. This will protect his performance and lifetime for many years. For the plastic bag you can tie a string and place of burial mark the posts to which to attach the string. This will locate your anti-radiator in the future if there was a need to change its place of use.
Gardeners who use Aaronit Garden in their gardens mainly observed rapid plant growth and the large size of their fruits and vegetables. But that's not all ... Using it a home for potted plants are also within its influence. We protect plants as well as all members of the household. Buying Aronit Garden you are making a qualitative change in your living space. See more of the description by clicking on the picture of the product.
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Availability: na wyczerpaniu
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONIT MOBILE anti-radiator for cells and tablets

ARONIT MOBILE thanks to it you can reduce the harmful effect of cell phone radiation. Although the mobile phone looks fairly innocuous, it emits a series of harmful band electromagnetic radiation which mostly are absorbed by the temporal lobes of the brain. This has a negative impact on health, because microwaves penetrate the brain cells and make among them the slow destruction.
Professor Leif Salford of Lund University, in Sweden as the head of the research on EMF radiation in his work wrote: "The voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from handheld mobile phones, is the largest biological experiment which man performs throughout human history. "It has been proven that talking on a cell phone cause dizziness and headaches, increased blood pressure, burning scalp and hands, the earlier occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, anxiety and difficulty concentrating, heating head, ears (effect radial radio - heating capacitive), long-term - increase the risk of brain tumor.
Do not risk – order the Aaronite Mobile, the anti-radiator for mobile phones.
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Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONITES anti-radiators - universal set (3p)

UNIVERSAL SET consists of three pieces of aronites: PERSONAL, HOME&OFFICE and TRAVEL.
If you would like to buy this set but change its combination, you can do it by writing a mail with confirmation of your purchase and giving your choice e.g.
1/ Aronit Pesonal x2 and Home&Office x1 or
2/ Aronit Personal x3 or
3/Aronit Home&Office x2 and Aronit Personal x1 or
4/ Aronit Travel x3 and so on
Instead of one aronit Personal, Home or Travel you can choose 3 pieces of Aronit Mobile
Let us know writing a mail energy-aaron@wp.pl
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin

SUPER HUMAN PADS & WATER ENERGIZER mega size A4 - are using a new world-wide method to protect living organisms from harmful geopathogenous radiation from undergroundwater sources, geological anomalies and electromagnetic radiation. Their action is based on medicinal white light emission (technically: it works thanks to the principle of emission of opposite phase, transition and impregnation), which in the space of your place of work or rest, forms a protective blanket with a radius of 25m and a height of up atmosphere of the Earth. The amount of light concentration decreases as it reaches higher parts of the atmosphere. The light emitted by Super Human pad neutralizes the effects of negative radiations. The radiation of the pad is friendly for a human health when it concerns examination using Bovis scale. It can be applied to the aching parts of the body. It is also the emitter of a healing light and the ionizer of the air.
SUPER HUMAN pads at the same time are modern anti-radiators and energizers to water when you put a bowl of water on it. SUPER HUMAN pads are also excellent water ionizer, improve the taste of water, energizing and precipitate substances harmful to health. You can place the dish with fruits, vegetables and other food-making products on them and receive detoxification and energizing effects. In addition, Super Human pads energize and add forces of life, strengthen the immune system, saturate the air with negative ions that are missing in our cities and homes, neutralize the effects of electromagnetic radiation that is present at phones, computers and other electronic devices).
Due to the different sizes of SUPER HUMAN pads such as e.g. A4 size, you can sit on them while working at the computer. You can lay Super Human pad under the pillow or sheet for the night. They provide better sleep and help easier to fall asleep. They relieve rheumatic pains in joints and backaches. Super Human pads enhance the immune system, cause inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, support the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, neuroses and allergies. Foster harmonious, healthy and long life.
Super Human pads are available in three sizes: mega-size – (p.s.A4), medium-size (p.s.A5) and mini size (the size of VISA credit card). SUPER HUMAN pads also can be purchased in sets at attractive prices. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Super Human pads are also available in medium-size – (p.s.A5) and mini-size as VISA credit card size. SUPER HUMAN pads can be purchased in sets at attractive prices, too. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Super Human pads are also available in medium-size – (p.s.A5) and mini-size as VISA credit card size. SUPER HUMAN pads can be purchased in sets at attractive prices, too. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Note: using the Super Human pads, be aware that they are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Availability: na wyczerpaniu
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
ARONITES MOBILE anti-radiators - family set (4p)

FAMILY SET consists of three pieces of ARONIT MOBILE
ARONIT MOBILE thanks to it you can reduce the harmful effect of cell phone radiation. Although the mobile phone looks fairly innocuous, it emits a series of harmful band electromagnetic radiation which mostly are absorbed by the temporal lobes of the brain. This has a negative impact on health, because microwaves penetrate the brain cells and make among them the slow destruction.
Professor Leif Salford of Lund University, in Sweden as the head of the research on EMF radiation in his work wrote: "The voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from handheld mobile phones, is the largest biological experiment which man performs throughout human history. "
You can answer a few questions and if any of them the answer is “yes”, it means that you have a problem ...
1/ Are you talking a lot on a cell phone?
2 / Does your child like to play games on a mobile device?
3/ Is your phone a smartphone (does it have an internet, wifi router, GPRS receiver, a few processors)?
4 / Do you feel a heating heads during and after the conversation?
5 / Do you have baking skin and ear pain after even a brief telephone conversation?
6 / Do you feel tired and sleepy after phone calls?
7 / Do you have a headache when driving long phone calls?
However, you can reduce the harmful effect of cell phone radiation stocking up on Aronit Mobile
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin
SUPER HUMAN CARD visa size for personal use

SUPER HUMAN CARD visa size - is using a new world-wide method to protect living organisms from harmful geopathogenous radiation from undergroundwater sources, geological anomalies and electromagnetic radiation. Their action is based on medicinal white light emission (technically: it works thanks to the principle of emission of opposite phase, transition and impregnation), which in the space of your place of work or rest, forms a protective blanket with a radius of 25m and a height of up atmosphere of the Earth. The amount of light concentration decreases as it reaches higher parts of the atmosphere. The light emitted by Super Human pad neutralizes the effects of negative radiations. The radiation of the pad is friendly for a human health when it concerns examination using Bovis scale. It can be applied to the aching parts of the body. It is also the emitter of a healing light and the ionizer of the air.
SUPER HUMAN pads at the same time are modern anti-radiators and energizers to water when you put a bowl of water on it. SUPER HUMAN pads are also excellent water ionizer, improve the taste of water, energizing and precipitate substances harmful to health. You can place the dish with fruits, vegetables and other food-making products on them and receive detoxification and energizing effects. In addition, Super Human pads energize and add forces of life, strengthen the immune system, saturate the air with negative ions that are missing in our cities and homes, neutralize the effects of electromagnetic radiation that is present at phones, computers and other electronic devices).
Due to the different sizes of SUPER HUMAN pads such as e.g. A4 size, you can sit on them while working at the computer. You can lay Super Human pad under the pillow or sheet for the night. They provide better sleep and help easier to fall asleep. They relieve rheumatic pains in joints and backaches. Super Human pads enhance the immune system, cause inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, support the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, neuroses and allergies. Foster harmonious, healthy and long life.
Super Human pads are available in three sizes: mega-size – (p.s.A4), medium-size (p.s.A5) and mini size (the size of VISA credit card). SUPER HUMAN pads also can be purchased in sets at attractive prices. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Note: using the Super Human pads, be aware that they are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin

SUPER HUMAN PADS & WATER ENERGIZER medium size A5 - are using a new world-wide method to protect living organisms from harmful geopathogenous radiation from undergroundwater sources, geological anomalies and electromagnetic radiation. Their action is based on medicinal white light emission (technically: it works thanks to the principle of emission of opposite phase, transition and impregnation), which in the space of your place of work or rest, forms a protective blanket with a radius of 25m and a height of up atmosphere of the Earth. The amount of light concentration decreases as it reaches higher parts of the atmosphere. The light emitted by Super Human pad neutralizes the effects of negative radiations. The radiation of the pad is friendly for a human health when it concerns examination using Bovis scale. It can be applied to the aching parts of the body. It is also the emitter of a healing light and the ionizer of the air.
SUPER HUMAN pads at the same time are modern anti-radiators and energizers to water when you put a bowl of water on it. SUPER HUMAN pads are also excellent water ionizer, improve the taste of water, energizing and precipitate substances harmful to health. You can place the dish with fruits, vegetables and other food-making products on them and receive detoxification and energizing effects. In addition, Super Human pads energize and add forces of life, strengthen the immune system, saturate the air with negative ions that are missing in our cities and homes, neutralize the effects of electromagnetic radiation that is present at phones, computers and other electronic devices).
Due to the different sizes of SUPER HUMAN pads such as e.g. A4 size, you can sit on them while working at the computer. You can lay Super Human pad under the pillow or sheet for the night. They provide better sleep and help easier to fall asleep. They relieve rheumatic pains in joints and backaches. Super Human pads enhance the immune system, cause inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, support the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, neuroses and allergies. Foster harmonious, healthy and long life.
Super Human pads are available in three sizes: mega-size – (p.s.A4), medium-size (p.s.A5) and mini size (the size of VISA credit card). SUPER HUMAN pads also can be purchased in sets at attractive prices. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Super Human pads are also available in medium-size – (p.s.A5) and mini-size as VISA credit card size. SUPER HUMAN pads can be purchased in sets at attractive prices, too. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Super Human pads are also available in medium-size – (p.s.A5) and mini-size as VISA credit card size. SUPER HUMAN pads can be purchased in sets at attractive prices, too. Especially popular are sets for a couple.
Note: using the Super Human pads, be aware that they are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Availability: na wyczerpaniu
Dispatched within: 48 godzin

Fuegos del Amor - Flames of Love
According to old records every soul coming into this world incarnates in the middle of the woman's body and in the middle of the body of a man. Then the two halves are looking up to find yourself in a relationship that will bring fullest spiritual development. Most, however, they are looking for a lifetime and do not find the other half. Our compounds do not meet our expectations and end up parting or living together without love. Fuegos del Amor (Flames of love) is an application that helps you find the second "half". The application is not magic or fortune, and is based on the experience of many couples who have built a relationship full of love and happiness at all levels: spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical. The Fuegos del Amor Card (The flames of love) refers to the old Chinese character before 5,000 years called the Pa-Kua, which is also used in feng shui to attract love. The character radiates positive energy, harmonizes the sphere of emotional and intellectual as well as enhances visualization.
Instructions for using the application is send to e-mail address with 3-months`assistance for those who bought it. (Mira a Neuvos Productos - puede leer en espanol)
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 48 godzin