ARONIT GARDEN - neutraliser of harmful radiation for garden
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ARONIT GARDEN a modern anti-radiator used in greenhouses, allotments and at home to encourage the growth of pot plants. It is also the ionizer and therapeutic light emitter. Protect your plants by 24 and you and your loved ones from harmful radiation and geopathic radiation coming from geological anomalies and electromagnetic smog, which affects all organisms also plants. Aronit Garden range with a radius of 30m.
User ratings are very positive. This is one of the recent reviews of a clients from Allegro: "Today we made a next purchase of this anti-radiator. Despite I can not describe exactly how, but I know that it works. Since I have it, I changed my approach to situations and people. To some extent I feel more "free and independent". I think that ARONIT is really a great discovery. Now I want to buy GARDEN to protect my plants."
Aronit Garden can be successfully used in agriculture or household gardens to increase yields and to obtain larger sizes of fruit or vegetables. It is ideal for the dry times, since amounts greater amount of rain. This is due to the fact that a beam of white light reaches above the clouds and accumulates around them larger amounts of water vapor from the air. (For years, too rainy, you can wrap Aronit in aluminum foil, which neutralizes the effect). Installation Instructions: If you use Aronit Garden anti-radiator out in a greenhouse or in the garden on the plot, then you should bury it at a depth of 30-50cm, depending on how deep are the roots of plants. Box should be merged into a liquid wax and wait until it cools down and then wrap in foil pouch. This will protect his performance and lifetime for many years. For the plastic bag you can tie a string and place of burial mark the posts to which to attach the string. This will locate your anti-radiator in the future if there was a need to change its place of use.
Gardeners who use Aaronit Garden in their gardens mainly observed rapid plant growth and the large size of their fruits and vegetables. But that's not all ... Using it a home for potted plants are also within its influence. We protect plants as well as all members of the household. Buying Aronit Garden you are making a qualitative change in your living space. See more of the description by clicking on the picture of the product.
Note: using the aronites and Super Human pads, be aware that they are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Invisible threats in your environment.
You live in an environment where there are many negative radiations. Modern man , which is a subject of the negative influences of the civilized and harmful lifestyle, to heal own living environment, more often reaches an ancient wisdom, such as yoga systems or feng shui. In our latitude, a system dedicated to the study of energy is dowsing (radiesthesia). Downsing is practiced by people with special radiesthetic abilities. Books on this subjects can be found in every bookstore . In general - feng shui or radiesthetics, are based on a study of invisible energy that is constantly in motion and constantly penetrates or even hits your aura and affects the quality of your life and health. In nature, most of shapes are rounded and are very beneficial or neutral for you. Apart from that, there are also negative, sharp shapes in nature, which are shooting at you with energy arrows (eg, plants with sharp leaves or corners of walls) that forms can make holes in your aura exposing you to attack other people (eg a difficult boss or a colleague) or causing discomfort or illness. Movements of water flowing deep underground where you live or work - also can affect you negatively - just when flowing in the wrong direction! This type of adverse layouts, shapes and paths beneath your home or place of work and omnipresent nowadays electromagnetic smog kills negative ions in the air, without which there is practically no life. This can make you feel weakness, fatigue life, sick, arguing for any reason or even all of your plans can fail, and you can feel the constant depression. Radiation negatively affects your health, hinders the healing process and causes relapse.
Harmful radiation in your environment may come from different origins: :
1. Geopathic radiation of earth - water veins, geological anomaly.
2. Electromagnetic radiation - from technical equipment, computers, TV sets, transformers, lines of high and medium voltage placed near the home or workplace.
3. Radiation shape of spatial and flat figures - eg Chinese roses, five-arms-star, crescent, stuffed birds, ebony, copper plates (eg trunks covered with copper sheets, etc) peacock feathers (if more than one).
4. Negative bio-emissions of flowers and some animals (eg, snakes and snake skins).
5. Low frequency band of 50 Hz.
A few words about minus ions
20000 is the amount of negative ions of air in 1cm3 of pure, ionized air in the mountains of Abkhazia, where people are experiencing the greatest number of years of live.
600 is the amount of the minimum concentration of negative ions to indoor air allowed by the Ministry of Public Health.
300 is the amount of the concentration of negative ions in the air on 1cm3 in most of the cities on Earth.
60 is the amount of concentration of negative ions in the air on 1cm3 in our houses.
Zero is the amount of concentration of negative air ions on 1cm3 near the screens and monitors. Mice kept close to a computer die after 14 days ....
Notice for a product: ARONIT Home and Office as an anti-radiator is the content of the plastic box visible in the picture. The color of box can be black, brown, green, dark green, aquamarine or orange depending on the supply. We sell the contents of the boxes and the technology of anti-radiators not the color boxes. On each of the box is a sticker stating: ARONIT Home and Office - neutralizing harmful radiation.
Notice for deliveries: To reduce the cost of delivery we offer a priority registered letter with the price of 7,00€ for EU countries and 12,00€ for overseas countries. However, to meet the requirements of the mail (the letter should not be higher than 2 cm) we send anti-radiators removed from the carton and folded cardboard box. In case if the client wishes a product should be sent in a sealed carton we have to send it as a package with the price of 20€ for UE and 45€ overseas countries. All deliveries of ordered products must be prepaid. Depending on the chosen package a delivery fee is added automatically to the price of a chosen product. IMPORTANT: if you purchase in our store indicating Poland as the address of destination the costs of delivery are the same as for the Polish clients and are 3€ if you pay in from abroad.
Copyright notice: The anti-radiators called aronites are the work of designer and inventor eng.Bernard Dulińskiego. The brand name "AARON positive energy", the name ARONIT PERSONAL, ARONIT HOME & OFFICE ARONIT TRAVEL, ARONIT MOBILE, ARONIT GARDEN, ARONIT SUPER HUMAN BODY HELP names are trademarks and are owned by ENERGY-Aaron Grzegorz Duliński as well as all the information and photos posted on www.energy-aaron.com and in this store. People using them without a permit violate the personal rights and copyrights of Bernard and Grzegorz Duliński.
Note: using aronites be aware that they are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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