ARONITES MOBILE anti-radiators - family set (4p)
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ARONIT MOBILE thanks to it you can reduce the harmful effect of cell phone radiation. Although the mobile phone looks fairly innocuous, it emits a series of harmful band electromagnetic radiation which mostly are absorbed by the temporal lobes of the brain. This has a negative impact on health, because microwaves penetrate the brain cells and make among them the slow destruction.
Professor Leif Salford of Lund University, in Sweden as the head of the research on EMF radiation in his work wrote: "The voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from handheld mobile phones, is the largest biological experiment which man performs throughout human history. "
At present a view of people with a mobile phone at the ear it is so common that it has entered into " urban landscape ". Hurrying in the morning to work, riding public transportation, while on a break for lunch, returning from work, sitting in front of the TV and even sitting on the toilet in the bathroom, always have it with you and most often stick to the head – mobile phone complies a kind of "toolbox" which accompanies us everywhere. This applies not only adults but also children.
You can answer a few questions and if any of them the answer is “yes”, it means that you have a problem ...
1/ Are you talking a lot on a cell phone? 2 / Does your child like to play games on a mobile device? 3/ Is your phone a smartphone (does it have an internet, wifi router, GPRS receiver, a few processors)? 4 / Do you feel a heating heads during and after the conversation? 5 / Do you have baking skin and ear pain after even a brief telephone conversation? 6 / Do you feel tired and sleepy after phone calls? 7 / Do you have a headache when driving long phone calls?
However, you can reduce the harmful effect of cell phone radiation stocking up on Aronit Mobile, which:
1 / has a compact 3 × 3 cm and 1 mm thick, 2 / does not need to be tuned either to the north or adapt for your phone model, 3 / acts not only on electrosmog, but water veins within 3 meters, 4 / eliminates the effects of harmful radiation to a large extent, 5 / reduces the heating of the head, ears, baking and headaches, 6 / it has universal application: mobile phones, laptops, keyboards, wi -fi, 7/ / operates for life and requires no maintenance, 8/ you can take it off and move to new installations, 9 / does not have a collision with the electrical equipment.
Do not risk – order the Aaronit Mobile.
Installation in the phone – you need to paste it to the inside of the lid a mobile telephone or stick to the battery, it can also be glued to the bottom of the laptop in order to neutralize the electromagnetic radiation device. (Aronit Mobile has a double-sided adhesive tape, to stick it you must remove the yellow protective layer.
According to the principal investigator of the cell phone industry in the US, Dr. George Carlo - we are on the verge of a major health care crisis. According to the expert, in connection with such a rapid spread of mobile phone technology we are faced with numerous cases of brain cancer and carcinogenic effects on other organs of our body.
In May 2011 World Health Organization (WHO) together with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have classified the electromagnetic fields of radio frequency as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on an increased risk of glioma, brain cancer associated with the use of cordless telephones. In addition, American Cancer Society (ACS) on its list has included mobile phones as a probable cause of inducing cancer, in connection with the production of their radio frequency (RF) and possibility to increase the risk of developing brain tumors or other tumors in the head or neck. Imaging studies of the penetration of electromagnetic radiation when using mobile phones, which carried out prof. Oma Gandi show that children are the most exposed to electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones. Image computed tomography after a 15-minute telephone conversation shows that the areas of yellow and red indicating the zone temperature increases greatly enlarged. This may have a negative impact on health. Microwaves penetrate the brain cells - Dr. Leif Salford since 1988, Dr. Leif Salford tested the effect of microwaves on thousands of laboratory rats. Laboratory tests on rats have shown that after only two minutes of microwave leaked through the blood-brain barrier. In turn, the 2-hour influence of mobile phone on rats - even at reduced power - led to the destruction of up to 2% of brain cells: have deformation and degradation. The scary thing is that subjecting rats mobile phone operation for six hours led to an impairment in memory and genetic changes. (...) So far indicate producers SAR (coefficient of radiation absorption by the human body) is useless, and reducing cell phone radiation does not decrease the negative effects of radiation on our health. Source: cellphonetaskforce.org, SW, wp.pl
Do not risk – order the Aaronite Mobile, the anti-radiator for mobile phones.
It has been proven that talking on a cell phone cause dizziness and headaches, increased blood pressure, burning scalp and hands, the earlier occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, anxiety and difficulty concentrating, heating head, ears (effect radial radio - heating capacitive), long-term - increase the risk of brain tumor.
How can you limit the radiation from your phone?
1. Equip yourself with telephone with low radiation (the phones more limited - no wifi, GPRS-in, the better).
2. Regardless of which phone you have, use our Aaronite Mobile.
3. More often write text messages instead of calling.
4. Do not carry your cell phone on your body. Try to take it out of your pocket and jackets.
5. Use handsfree or headphones, as soon as you can.
6. When you are waiting for a signal not put your mobile phone even to your temple.
7. Talk at places where coverage is better (near windows, terraces) - the better the coverage, the less energy your need to function.
8. At night - do not hold the phone near the bed. It is better to make it disable completely (as well as other devices powered by 230V - televisions, alarm clocks, lamps).
9. Ordering the Aaron Mobile or any other anti-radiator of this type from a trusted source you can protect yourself from harmful cell phone radiation to your brain and body.
10. Remember, transplantation despite the many treatments that currently are carried out worldwide, brain is an organ whose damage does not allow for exchange.
Features of our ARONIT MOBILE: a compact 3cm × 3 cm and 1 mm thick, does not need to be tuned either to the sides of the world or to adapt to a particular phone model works not only on electrosmog, but water veins within 3 meters, eliminates readings radiations in to a large extent, reduces heating of the head, ears, baking and headaches, have universal application: mobile phones, laptops, keyboards, wi-fi, work for life and requires no maintenance, it can be peeled off and move to the new facilities, shows no collisions to the operation of the electric equipment
Kinesiology test shows the immediate strengthening of the body when we are near Aronit Mobile, anti-radiator.
Installation of the Aronit Mobile:
It can be attached to the inside of the mobile phone lid or a battery or it can also be glued to the underside of a laptop computer to neutralize the electromagnetic radiation device. Aronit Mobile has a double-sided adhesive tape to stick. You have remove the yellow protective layer exposing the adhesive layer.

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